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D.I.Y - Zesty Coconut Sugar Scrub

I’ve always been a big fan of the LUSH lip scrubs but with their heavy price tag, I was eager to try and make one myself. I found this ‘recipe’ here

You will need-
- 52 grams Coconut Oil
- 200 grams Granulated Sugar
- ½ Lemon
- ½ Lime

The method is very simple- melt the coconut oil in the microwave for about 30-50 seconds until it has melted like and forms a liquid. Then mix together the oil and sugar until combined, now squeeze in the lemon and lime, mix it up again and there you have it!

I stored mine in two small glass pots but you could use whatever you want. I also decorated mine with green ribbon to make them look pretty! J

This will be great to be used for a lip scrub or to use on your skin to get rid of dry patches. 

I hope you enjoyed this post from me and you go and make this sugar scrub yourself because it’s a great way to save yourself a bit of money! 

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