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Phil Robertson threatens Islam

Ali Muhammed
   Once again Sean Hannitty had a religious extremist on his program the other night but Sean treated this guest much differently than the Islamic scholar that he threatened with death. This nights guest was Duck Dynasty maggot Phil Robertson whose unshaven appearance you would think et a guy like Hannitty on guard when it comes to religious talk. Instead Mr Hannitty showed Mr Robertson extreme respect and even allowed Phil to open up his religious book and cause many awkward seconds of air time as he fumbled for a quote in his holy book. Do you think Sean would of ever allowed Anjem Choudary to open up the Koran and repeat verses on television.
 Phil ended this brilliant appearance on Hannitty's by declaring that Muslims will either convert to his form of Christianity. So the same intolerance and hatred Robertson admonished he wishes to follow and install over in the Middle East the traditional homeland of Muslims. Sean Hannitty didnt say a peep and likely agreed with this genocidal statement him being a die hard Catholic and these comments are no different than the comments of Pope Urban in 1096. Perhaps Phil needs to be told that shooting Muslims in Egypt or Iraq will not be as easy as shooting ducks in Louisiana. A hillbilly like Phil Robertson needs to get his duck bugles, shut up, and just stay in the swamps lucky that capitalism made him a Beverly Hillbilly and rich beyond means because it won't be long before people come down there and takes it from him

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