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BEAUTY | Drugstore Etos Banana Powder - New in stock

Finally I have time to write an article but there are still piles of issues to be finished but let's first start with Beauty. The Etos drugstore has a new product in the shelves ... yes .... a banana powder that actually looks yellow. Read my review and get then to the store.

Banana powder

I do not really have to explain because in my previous blog post I've wrote some reviews on various brands banana powder. Of course, the famous one is from Ben Nye but now there are several brands who also produced this powder. W7, Black Opal, Sacha Cosmetics, E.L.F. etc.

Etos Bananapowder

I really didn't know that the Etos would bring this powder on the market. I had not really expected it. Yes, I've hoped they would do it and suddenly wham bam ...here it is. I tested the powder and I must say .... awesome.

Packaging and the powder

I'll write these components into one subject because I believe that this article is quickly and easily to write. The packaging is just like for example the loose powder from Hema, almost the same. A transparent box with a black lid with Etos written on it and in white lettres Banana powder. Very simple. If you open the box, there is a protective plastic they put on the holes. When removing I was expecting a lot of dust, but nothing is less true. The product is not too dusty and doesnt flying through the whole room. A plus I must say. Other dusting powders always flys all over the place so you always need to protect your clothes. I'm very satisfied.

The color

When I opend the box, I saw immediately that the color is really soft yellow. On my dark skin the color yellow will be transform. Now I must say that I have become very dark because of the sun during the holiday and were hesitant about how it will manifest on my skin under the eyes. I tested them. When applying it on the back of my hand I saw it was too light, but when I went to blur and blend it with a brush, you saw a subtle color yellow that sat on your skin. Then I tried it on my face and I have to say ... perfect. No circles seen.


Buy this product if you are curious! Even if you have a dark tanned skin. Note that you blend the powder very well on your skin because we don't want to see differences on our face. I am pleased with this product and it's easier for me to get this product because there is a Etos drugstore in my street. So buy it and do it.

Have you already bought the banana powder of the Etos drugstore? What is your opinion about this product?



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