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NOAA’s GOES-16 Satellite Sends First Images to Earth - UNIVERSE

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released the first high-resolution images that were sent from its newly-launched GOES-16, formerly GOES-R, satellite on Monday.

GOES-16 was launched Nov. 19 from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Called a "game changer" by NOAA, the $1.2 billion satellite will help revolutionize weather forecasting in many ways, including sending back data faster and generating images in higher resolution that will lead to more accurate forecasts.

The photos provides by GOES-16 have an image resolution four times greater than the existing GOES satellites.

GOES-16 captured this view of the moon as it looked across the surface of the Earth on January 15. Like earlier GOES satellites, GOES-16 will use the moon for calibration.


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